The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Illinois Division, will commemorate the Declaration of Independence of January 22, 1918 as well…
On November 24, 2024 we stood with Ukrainians worldwide in solemnly commemorating the millions of innocent victims who perished and…
One-thousand days of pain, courage, and resilience – this marks the duration of Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression during a…
This non-partisan event was designed to educate voters on the impactful role they can play in shaping the future of…
On Sunday, October 20, 2024, Wisconsin Ukrainians Inc. hosted a well-attended Voter Education Forum, drawing together community members, volunteers, and…
For Ukrainians, independence is not just a word; it is woven into our genetic code. For centuries, we have fought…
August 1, 2024, marked a historic day as the city of Chicago proclaimed August as Ukrainian Month. The Flag Raising…
Bombing of Kyiv’s Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital The Ukrainian American community of Chicagoland held a protest on July 8 to express…
The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), Illinois Division, staged another protest on June 30 in Chicago near the Wrigley…
From June 11-14, the Chicago Global Summit convened at the Sheraton Hotel on the Riverwalk, gathering hundreds of companies, including…
“Exit Russia Now!” was the resounding demand at the rally organized by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Illinois Division,…
The Ukrainian Community organized a significant event on May 11th, the day before Mother’s Day, to highlight the potential achievements…
Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal Engages with Ukrainian Community in Chicago During IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings Visit During his…
Ukrainian World Congress Summit Galvanizes Global Community in Bucharest Bucharest, Romania, served as the vibrant backdrop for the Ukrainian World…
The meeting with the first Ukrainian Nobel Peace laureate, lawyer Olexandra Matviychuk, surpassed many expectations.The evening was organized by the…
On March 2nd, a crucial community briefing convened at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, prompted by Senator Durbin’s return from Washington,…
On February 24, 2024, as stated by the CPD, 8000 people participated in a mass rally in the center of…
Don’t miss this event in Chicago on February 18, 2024 at 2:00 pm. The Ukrainian World Congress and the Serhiy…
As we approach February 24th, 2024, our hearts weigh heavy with the solemn acknowledgment that it has been two years…
On January 7, 2024 the Ukrainian Congressional Committee of America, Illinois Division, and activists in Chicago, led by Tony Dmitriv’s…
The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Illinois Division, solemnly marked the 105th anniversary of the Act of Union of the…
UCCA, IL campaign against Mondelez is gaining traction and capturing global attention, generating widespread interest on an international scale UCCA…
“Unbreakable Ukraine Mega-March: A Powerful Display of Solidarity and Resolve” Once a year, the river in downtown Chicago turns a…
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UCCA-IL delegation met with Senators and Representatives during Ukrainian Days 2023 in Washington, D.C. by Maria Dmytriv-Kapeniak, M.D. Members of…
On May 19, the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art hosted Pavlo Grod, president of Ukrainian World Congress and Andriy Futey,…
Someone took and stole my child. 💔 Even in a nightmare, we can’t bear to imagine such a thing, and…
A Chicagoland delegation traveled to Washington DC, organized by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Illinois Division and led by…
Український Конгресовий Комітет Америки, Відділ Іллінойс запрошує громаду в неділю, 12 березня, зібратися на урочисте відзначення Дня народження великого українського…
Tonight, February 24, the anniversary of russia’s illegal unprovoked brutal invasion of Ukraine, the Chicago community held a rally in…
January 22, Day of Unity of Ukraine. Chicago’s community marked this year’s Unity Day with a roster of distinguished speakers…
The Consulate General of Ukraine in Chicago, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America-Illinois Division, the Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation-USA, Inc.…
Ihor Diaczun, President UCCA Illinois and Pavlo Bandriwsky, Vice President, meet with participants of the XXIII Roundtable Ukraine’s Quest for…
On Monday, October 10th Chicago celebrated with a Columbus Day Parade. Columbus Day Parade is a huge annual event in…
Chicago Ukrainians reacted immediately to savage terrorist Russian missile attacks yesterday. All major TV channels covered our protest. Thank you…
On Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022 a Town Hall meeting was held in Palatine titled “Standing Up To America’s Adversaries: Defending…
A new Mural was inaugurated in Chicago’s Ukrainian Village at a ribbon-cutting Ceremony on Saturday, August 27 at 3:30 pm…
Navy Pier Ukrainian Independence Day was held on Saturday, August 20 at 5:00. The Ukrainian community of Chicago and suburbs…
The Day of Ukrainian Statehood was held at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral on Sunday, July 31st, 2022. Speakers included…
On August 24th, 2022 at Daley Plaza, in downtown Chicago, a Ukrainian Independence Day celebration was held. The event was…
Assistant secretary for export enforcement Matthew S. Axelrod delivers remarks to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Illinois division, on…
May 22 at 1pm Ukrainian Cultural Center, 2247 W. Chicago Ave. $20.00 donation includes buffet, wine & refreshments Fire and…
May 21st, 2022: В Чикаго українська громада відновила могилу поета, вояка, автора гімну ЗСУ (ОУН) Олеся Бабія. Олесь Бабій, народжений…
Meeting in Chicago with the founder of the Lithuanian public organization Blue / Yellow, which provided 25 million euros in…
Vyshyvanka Day is an international holiday that aims to preserve the Ukrainian folk traditions of creating and wearing ethnic embroidered clothes called vyshyvankas. It…
May 30th, 2022: UCCA Members participated in ‘Relief for Ukraine’ Memorial Day parade sponsored by Pau Hana Lounge.…
Polish constitution Day Parade. Thank you Poland for your support of Ukraine and it’s people! Dziękujęmy! Photos Video…
May 8th: Stand with Ukraine! Save mothers and children, widows and orphans of Ukraine! Ukrainian community to hold rally asking…
May 1st, 2022: Gathering point – Chicago Riverwalk, near Chicago’s First Lady Cruises (112 E Wacker Dr, Chicago). Participants created a…
“Vigil for Ukraine” Wednesday, April 20, 5 pm Skokie Village Green Join the Niles Township Clergy Forum for a “Vigil…
The decision to postpone show for Kazakhastani comedian indefinitely was made Wednesday after conversations with village leadership, theater heads and…
April 17th, 2022:…
What Russia is doing today is not just a war of aggression. This is the genocide of the Ukrainian people.…
After the failure of Russian troops to quickly take the capital of Kyiv, Putin now wants to divide Ukraine into…
On March 27, 2022, in the center of Chicago there was a mass action in support of Ukraine and against…
UCCA invites all Ukrainians and friends to attend 3 events to support Ukraine on March 6, 2022. 12:30 pm Raising…
February 25th, 2022: Hundreds of people rallied downtown and in the Ukrainian Village Thursday to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and call for…
Chicago’s Ukrainian community Honored the Heavenly Hundred (Небесна Сотня) who were killed by Russian proxy snipers on February 18-20, 2014.…
Вперше у XX столітті українська незалежність була проголошена 22 січня 1918 року IV Універсалом Української Центральної Ради, а вже за…
Rally in Support of Ukraine against Russian Aggression Станьмо разом в центрі міста Чикаґо Покажем нашу єдність у захисті України…
Зустріч з Андрієм Салюком відбудеться в понеділок, 27 грудня, 2021 в залі церкви св. Йосифа Обручника 5000 N. Cumberland Avenue…
Сьогодні українська громада Чикаго вшанувала пам’ять жертв Голодомору-геноциду українського народу 1932–1933 років, штучних голодів 1921–1923 та 1946-1947 років Мільйони життів…
УККА від ІЛ це єдина українська громадська організація в Америці яка щороку вшановує річницю Листопадевого Зриву, українського повстання, організованого в…
23 жовтня в м. Чікаго в Українському національному музеї відбулося урочисте відзначення дня створення УПА та дня Української Армії. Даний…
Discussion on recent reforms in Ukraine from members of Verkhovna Rada. Presentation in Ukrainian.…
30 РОКІВ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТІ УКРАЇНИ МИНУЛЕ, СУЧАСНЕ І МАЙБУТНЄ! ON LINE EVENT Presentation: click on link Presentation Ukraine 2050 Mr. E.…
У самому серці Української Околиці міста Чикаго уперше відбувся урочистий Парад української громади, у якому взяли участь понад 50 громадських…
Урочисте підняття державного прапору Ураїни У п’ятницю 27 серпняБ 2021 року Українські Ветерани підняли синьо-жовтий прапор України на ратуші в…
Автобуси відїзджають від Осередку до Daley Plaza в 10:30 ранкомMore Information – English (PDF) More Information – Ukrainian (PDF) Facebook…
Photo Gallery…
Initiated by the Ukrainian organization “Pomarancheva Khvylia,” in collaboration with the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America-Illinois Division, the Ukrainian community…
Dear Friends of Ukraine, The recent report issued by the Biden Administration regarding waivers for NordStream2 entities and individuals has…
The Ukrainian community in Chicago stands firm in its support of Ukraine and calls upon the United States, Europe and…
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will travel to Kyiv, a clear signal of the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine’s…
On the invitation from Frank J. Spula, President of the Polish National Alliance of the U.S. of N.A., President of…
On the morning of Sunday, April 25, the Belorusian community of Chicago hosted a tree planting event in memory of…
On Saturday evening, April 10, the website published a “scoop”: Biden eyes Russia adviser criticized as soft on Kremlin.It…
On Thursday, April 8, USUBC hosted a webinar “A Conversation with George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, U.S. Department…
Робоча група Світового Конгресу Українців (СКУ) звернулася до голів організацій СКУ за інформацією щодо стану вакцинації в українських громадах, особливо…
31 Березня 2021 року, відбулися Загальні Збори УККА, відділ ІЛ за 2019-2020 рік. Вітаємо новообрану управу і бажаємо плідної праці…
Former Prime Minister Honcharuk Visits Chicago Discusses Importance of Diaspora Contributions to Ukraine During a visit to the Ukrainian Village…
Український Конгресовий Комітет Америки, відділ в Іллінойс, розпочинає святкування 207 річниці від дня народження Тараса Шевченка. Шевченко і Майдан –…
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has officially appointed former Finance Minister Oksana Markarova as the country’s new ambassador to the United…
Observed on February 20 ever year, the commemoration of the Heavenly Hundred is an annual commemoration in Ukraine and Ukrainian…
UCCA – Illinois Division commemorates Ukrainian Unity Day with virtual event The Ukrainian Weekly Chas i Podii…
Ukrainian Weekly Chas i Podii…
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Український Конґресовий Комітет Америки Відділ Іллинойс запрошує українську громаду прийняти участь в урочистому піднятті прапора України з нагоди Відзначення Дня…
Following the launch of an advocacy campaign in 2018, over 63 airports worldwide as well major media organizations such as the BBC, The Washington…
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New York, NY (UCCA) – On Friday, April 24, Russia unveiled images of Vladimir Putin’s pet project: a new Russian…
Вже традиційне для нашої громади Шевченківське Свято організоване УККА в школі при катедрі св.отця Миколая зібрало велику аудиторію глядачів. Шанувальники…
FEB21, 2020 CHICAGO Вечір пам’яті «Герої не Вмирають» (Майдан, 2014) Hosted by Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Illinois Division and…
We Care About Ukraine. Ukraine’s legendary general Mykhailo Zabrodskyi, U.S. military expert Phillip Karber, Bishop Benedict of the Ukrainian Catholic…
Президент Світового конґресу українців (СКУ) Павло Ґрод привітав українців та друзів України з Різдвом. VideoПрезидент Світового конґресу українців (СКУ) Павло…
Український Конґресовий Комітет-Відділ Іллінойс запрошує громаду Чікаґо та околиць взяти участь у відзначенні 75-х роковин початку депортацій українців з Лемківщини,…
PRESS RELEASE: ENGLISH, UKRAINIAN STAND WITH UKRAINE RALLY IN CHICAGO Support Ukraine at Normandy Four meeting in Paris Ukrainian-Americans call…
A delegation of visitors from Ukraine sponsored by the Open World Leadership Program of the Open World Leadership Center participated…