Prayer Service Commemorating 3rd Anniversary of War

As part of the commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of war, since Russia’s brutal and unlawful invasion of Ukraine  a rally was attended by hundreds,. A religious service was also held at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. The cathedral was filled to capacity with Ukrainian-Americans, Ukrainians, and allies of Ukraine, all united in prayer and solidarity. We extend our sincere gratitude to Holy Name Cathedral for hosting this powerful spiritual gathering.

The service, both profound and uplifting, was led by Cardinal Blase Joseph Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, and Bishop Benedict Aleksiychuk of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Chicago. It brought together clergy from numerous Ukrainian parishes, as well as representatives from various faith communities.

Among them was a delegate from the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, whose mesmerizing prayer, sung in the distinctive monophonic style of Armenian chant, added a unique and solemn beauty to the evening. The head of the Jewish Rabbinical Council spoke of the Jewish people’s deep historical ties to Ukraine, the thousands of Jews from the former Soviet Union who now call Chicagoland home, and the shared history of suffering that unites Ukrainians and Jews in this moment of crisis. A woman rabbi delivered heartfelt remarks on the trials of war, family, and children, leaving a lasting impact on the congregation.

Sheikh Imam, representing Chicago’s Islamic community, emphasized the importance of peace and the pursuit of a better world, while a Buddhist leader spoke of balance, harmony, and unwavering support for the Ukrainian people.

The Ukrainian choir sang with celestial beauty. Their voices, perfectly attuned in harmony and tone, resonated through the cathedral, their sound amplified by the magnificent acoustics, touching every heart and soul in attendance. Congratulations to the Irmos Choir of St. Joseph the Betrothed Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for their extraordinary performance.

Cardinal Cupich, in his address, powerfully invoked the biblical story of David and Goliath, drawing parallels to Ukraine’s struggle against oppression. He acknowledged that Ukraine did not start this war, recounted his own visit to war-torn Ukraine and the horrors of Bucha, and stressed the urgent need to hold war criminals accountable. He affirmed his unwavering support for Ukraine and its people.

Bishop Benedict spoke in both Ukrainian and English, addressing the pain and hardships faced by those in the pews—many of whom are refugees with loved ones still in harm’s way. He reassured them that the Light of God’s Love will overcome the Darkness of Evil.

Hearing so many learned and compassionate religious leaders speak with wisdom and conviction was truly inspiring. In an era clouded by cynicism, their words reminded us of the power of faith, unity, and resilience.
