Exit Russia Now

"Exit Russia Now!" was the resounding demand at the rally organized by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Illinois Division, protesting Mondelez International's ongoing business in Russia. UCCA, IL has spearheaded a relentless campaign against Mondelez International, involving letter-writing campaigns to the company and elected representatives, collaboration with other advocacy groups and protests. The rally on Saturday, May 18th, just days before the Mondelez shareholders' meeting on May 22, highlighted the Ukrainian community's vehement condemnation of the company's operations in Russia as profoundly immoral. They underscored that the taxes paid by Mondelez are directly fueling the Russian war machine, which targets Ukrainian children and civilians. This financial support for aggression against Ukraine is an egregious betrayal of ethical business practices and humanity itself.

J.B. Siegel's Photos and Commentary
Ukrainians in Chicago Protest Mondelez (Ukrainian World Congress)