Children of Okhmatdyt Deserve Justice not Condolences

Bombing of Kyiv’s  Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital

The Ukrainian American community of Chicagoland held a protest on July 8 to express their outrage and condemn the horrific bombing of a children’s hospital in Kyiv. The demonstration was held  to bring awareness and call for international action against the brutal attacks on civilians in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America - Illinois Division (UCCA-IL), which represents the Ukrainian community in Illinois, is leading the protest. The UCCA-IL is deeply outraged by this act of savagery as Putin’s forces targeted Kyiv’s Okhmatdyt hospital, Ukraine's largest children's medical center. The hospital has been crucial in providing care for some of the sickest children from across the country.The bombing of Okhmatdyt hospital is not only a blatant violation of international humanitarian laws but also a heartbreaking assault on the most vulnerable members of society – the children. This act of violence has left the community devastated and determined to seek justice for the innocent lives affected.

“We cannot stand idly by while innocent children and their families are targeted in such a brutal manner,” said Dr. Mariya Dmytriv-Kapeniak, President of UCCA-IL. “This protest is a way for us to come together, to show our solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and to demand accountability for these heinous crimes.  The protest took place at the Wrigley Building, 410 Michigan Avenue at 6:00 pm on July 8, 2024. A multitude of community leaders, activists, and concerned citizens  gathered to voice their condemnation of the attacks and to call for immediate international intervention to protect Ukrainian civilians.

Jack B. Siegel's Photography and Commentary