From June 11-14, the Chicago Global Summit convened at the Sheraton Hotel on the Riverwalk, gathering hundreds of companies, including Mondelez, PepsiCo, Mars, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, and Unilever. These corporations have refused to cease their business operations in Russia, thereby fortifying the Russian war machine through their tax contributions, which finance missiles, tanks, and weaponry.
On June 11, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, IL organized a protest outside the hotel. As corporate executives met inside, 200 Ukrainian Americans stood outside, chanting "Exit Russia Now!" This protest represented collective outrage over the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has resulted in unspeakable suffering and atrocities, including killings, rapes, and kidnappings.
Despite the clear moral imperative, Mondelez CEO Dirk Van de Put remarked that shareholders don’t "morally care" about the issue. This statement underscores a profound ethical flaw. The continued presence of these businesses in Russia not only bolster the economic infrastructure of a regime responsible for atrocities but also sustains its capacity to wage war.
By remaining in Russia, Mondelez and these other companies are knowingly contributing to immense human suffering. How do these executives sleep at night? How do they hug their children, or grandchildren knowing Ukrainian children are being killed, raped and kidnapped? How did they enjoy their gala dressed in tuxedos with blood on their hands?
This is not just a matter of business; it is a matter of human decency and moral responsibility. The actions of these companies are inexcusable, and their complicity in ongoing violence is indefensible.
The public must continue to voice its condemnation and hold these companies accountable. Join us for future protests. We must keep protesting against these corporations aiding the Russian economy, which finances heinous acts. Mondelez, PepsiCo, Mars, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, and Unilever must immediately cease all operations in Russia and take a stand for human rights and justice.
The world is watching, and history will judge those who choose profit over humanity.