August Proclaimed as Ukrainian Month in Chicago by Mayor Brandon Johnson

August 1, 2024, marked a historic day as the city of Chicago proclaimed August as Ukrainian Month. The Flag Raising event was attended by a distinguished assembly including representatives of the diplomatic corps, city officials, clergy, numerous consuls of various countries, the Consul General of Ukraine in Chicago, Serhiy Koledov, UCCA board members, and many guests.

The Ceremony
The event began with Julie Perekhozuk singing the American national anthem. The Ukrainian national anthem, performed by Olha Tsvyntarna, resonated through the plaza as Ukrainian-American veterans from Post 32, led by Commander Peter Bencak, raised and saluted the Ukrainian flag alongside the American and City of Chicago flags.

Key Speeches and Performances
Pavlo Bandriwsky led the program, which featured speeches from notable figures including Consul General Serhiy Koledov, UCCA President Dr. Mariya Dmytriv-Kapeniak, and Deputy Mayor Beatriz Ponce De Leon. The event also showcased cultural performances:

  • The girls' choir "Oberih" sang “Riky” (Rivers).
  • Julia Perekhozhuk, a 15-year-old gifted violinist played "Hutzul Rhapsody".
  • Olha Tsvyntarna performed her composition "We Sing for Ukraine".
  • Judah Briges delivered a heartfelt rendition of "Obijmy" (Hugs).
  • Sofia Frazer sang "Vichno Zhyva" (Forever Alive).

    A Proclamation of Solidarity
    A significant moment in the event was the presentation by Deputy Mayor Beatriz Ponce De Leon. As a gesture of solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainians in America, she read a proclamation from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, officially declaring August as Ukraine Month in Chicago. This surprise announcement was met with great enthusiasm from the community.

    Efforts Behind the Recognition
    The success of this proclamation is largely due to the tireless efforts of Dr. Mariya Dmytriv-Kapeniak and the UCCA.  This recognition highlights the dedication and volunteer spirit of those who champion the cause of Ukraine within the community. It underscores the significant contributions of the Ukrainian community in Illinois, which is regarded as one of the most active ethnic groups in the USA. UCCA is  instrumental in continually organizing major community events and rallies advocating the war in Ukraine.

    Historical Context
    Reflecting on the history of Ukrainian recognition in Chicago, the city has a tradition of honoring Ukrainian heritage in August. In 1933, during a challenging global political climate, the Chicago City Hall declared Ukrainian Week from August 14 to 20, and August 19 as Ukrainian Day. This act was a bold declaration of support for the rights of an independent Ukraine, even though it did not exist on the world map at that time.

    Community Contributions
    Behind the scenes, key figures such as Oksana and Andriy Chuyko, Dr. Mariya Dmytriv-Kapeniak, Motria Melnyk, Ihor Diaczun, Pavlo Bandriwsky, Roman Yatskovsky, Maria Dziuma, Marta Farion and other UCCA members played crucial roles. They contributed through press relations, writing press releases, graphics, posts, program, and emails. Special thanks are extended to the musicians, concert participants, and all attendees who made the event a memorable success.

    Ukrainian World Congress Post